Non Canon

The Encounter

For as long as he could remember, Ray made sure everyone knew about his pecan trees.  He made sure to tell everyone he met that the trees on Main and 1st were his, and his alone.  He would allow neighborhood kids to hunt squirrels among his wooden providers of nourishment, but under no circumstance was anyone allowed to take his pecans. 

Despite this, a young man thought to tempt fate and steal a few of the Pecans.  He did not have a real need for them, he simply believed he should be able to partake in that which the land provided.  So moved, he set his plan into action.

As he approached the yard in the middle of the dark night he secured his camouflage coveralls and pulled the hood tight around his face.  He pulled the bandanna up to cover his nose.  He checked his gloves, his boots, and listened intently.  The night was as quiet and still as frozen glass.  He could hear only his breathing and the sounds of locusts humming in the Georgia night.  

As he neared the yard he began moving forward in an army crawl.  It was difficult work crawling over the gravel drive but the overalls gave some comfort.  He crawled deliberately and slowly.  All the while keeping his eyes on the Grumpy One's home.  He saw no signs of life in the windows, nor on the porch that was currently shrouded in darkness.  He crawled for 5 minutes until he was within the sweet zone of the glorious trove of nutty treasure.  He pulled his burlup sack from his side pocket and reached his hand out to grab a handful of the pecans.  As his hand touched the first handful he heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun racking.  His head shot up toward the porch where he heard the sound and saw nothing but a blackness as dark as liquid coal.  As he stared into this abyss, he saw what appeared to be the red heart of a pencil thin coal begin to glow.  

As his mind began to thrash and panic he watched the glow of the cigarette as he heard the old man say "What's it worth?"  His mind scrambling he thought:  What do I say?  What do I do?  He blurted "I will get up and leave right now!"

The old man said "You got that half right.  You will leave, but you ain't getting up.  You crawled in like a slug, you will crawl out like a slug.  But first, you leave me them overalls as payment fer tresspessin."  

Seeing this as his only opportunity to avoid certain death Wes spoke up and said "But dad, that's ridiculous!"  The old man said "Not as ridiculous as you gonna look slithering out of here in your under clothes.  Now leave me them overalls right there and git!"

Foiled again by his father Wes left the overalls and slithered away through the gravel and pecans.  
